AP coordinators, this is our podcast! Smile along with hosts Derek and Karli as we engage in conversations with superstars and unsung heroes in education. Hear from fellow AP coordinators and colleagues in AP. Important updates, best practices, and stories from schools across the world are just a click away. The time is now. Don’t delay. Let’s get… Coordinated.
Episode 62: Every Score Counts!
Coordinating AP is more than preparing testing carts and creating seating charts! Many AP coordinators are also full-time school counselors, managing caseloads of hundreds of students, all the while encouraging participation in AP. In this episode, Derek and Rachel talk with Carrie Poehlein (Indianapolis, IN) and Ester Hall (Cincinnati, OH), who share tips and insight on how they’re using new AP score research to support their students in preparation for college and beyond. Every score counts on this episode of Coordinated!
New Analyses of AP Scores of 1 and 2: https://research.collegeboard.org/pdf/new-analyses-ap-scores-1-and-2.pdf
Join the AP Coordinator Community: https://apcommunity.collegeboard.org/web/apcoordinators
Music by Jackie Rae: https://www.instagram.com/jackierae/
Logo design by Amy Oh: amyjyo.com / IG: amyjyoh